The trend of specialist technical knowledge disappearing from the shop floor is understandable. After all, a lot of training courses and job positions have become more all-round.
But you can differentiate yourself through knowledge. That’s why we like to share our lubrication knowledge through training courses, consultancy programmes and various analyses. Our focus is, was and remains lubrication.
Of course, in close consultation with other (rotating) specialists, we work together on lubrication enhancements with only one goal: reliability for the asset owner. You’ve probably also had the experience that someone with a real understanding of the business can make a significant difference.
That’s why at Van Meeuwen we’re working every day on lubrication techniques, because we know that this can make a huge impact for customers. You can find out more about our lubrication advice and training courses below.
Training course
Oil & Grease analysis
Lubrication schedules