The EU Ecolabel and the Vessel General Permit (VGP) 2013
It is necessary to comply these Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL’s) with various registrations and OEM-approvals due to the actual legislations, regulations and requirements for use in nature and the environment.
The EU Ecolabel indicates production from a sustainable source with a lower environmental impact of raw materials, energy, water, harmful substances, waste and packaging. To meet the VIDA and VGP compliances Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants should be used for all oil to (sea)water interfaces.
Next to the own Green Point lubricants Van Meeuwen Lubrication has very worthy partners with the international suppliers Bel-Ray, Royal Purple, Lubcon and PANOLIN, These companies have become acquainted with advanced technologies and have been producing high-quality lubricants for decades.