Topical lubrication
A lot of things happen on a daily basis. In terms of development and events, for example. Van Meeuwen works together with various media and network platforms in order to maintain contact and share information with the relevant parties in the market.
The iMaintain platform brings together many decision makers and experts on the themes of maintenance and asset management. The platform highlights journalism and independent news, trends and innovations. Current topics are explored and the extensive network results in sharing knowledge and inspiration. This is done through various media, which are closely linked. The platform reaches its target group through the trade magazine iMaintain, the website, various meetings and annual congresses.
iMaintain is part of Industrielinq’s Press and Platform. In addition to the knowledge-intensive platforms, Industrielinqs also publishes the Industrielinqs Catalogue, the Maintenance NEXT Catalogue and the InfraTech Catalogue. The company can also organize events, create magazines or realize other publishing products on request.
KicMPi (Knowledge and Innovation Center Maintenance Process Industry) is an independent cooperative association for ‘Innovation with maintenance in the industry’. KicMPi stimulates cooperation between companies and looks for specific solutions and a project-based approach for maintenance issues.
These projects are subsequently developed by project teams to join additional knowledge and expertise and for valuable combinations and cooperation with (external) initiatives. Educational institutions and other external authorities are also involved.

In the Dutch maintenance sector the NVDO (the Dutch Association for Effective Maintenance) provides support to companies and persons in the field of Management and Maintenance / Asset Management through education, knowledge and networks. The NVDO is an independent platform in the sector helping to achieve excellent asset management.
BEMAS is a Belgian platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience in maintenance and asset management. BEMAS helps asset-intensive organizations on their way to world-class management and maintenance of technical installations. BEMAS helps its members towards a higher Return on Assets through better management of machines, installations and infrastructures.
In doing so, BEMAS strives to increase returns, reliability and quality and to reduce service life costs, environmental impact, energy consumption and risks. By bringing people together and sharing knowledge about maintenance and asset management, BEMAS is the bridge to a sustainable and competitive industry and economic prosperity in Belgium.
WCM (World Class Maintenance) is the “smart maintenance network” in the Netherlands. The objective is radical: towards 100% predictable maintenance in the Dutch industry. By developing, sharing and applying smart maintenance knowledge. The smart maintenance projects contribute to an extended asset lifetime, better mobility, the necessary energy transition, knowledge development and Dutch competitiveness. WCM’s strategy is to carry out cross-sectoral innovation projects and training courses. Besides WCM works on an active network in which asset owners, service suppliers, knowledge and research institutions and the government participate. Through the link with the FME, WCM is also busy lobbying to raise the topics of smart maintenance, smart asset management and smart services higher on the political agenda.
Railforum has existed since 1992 and is the independent knowledge network of 200 companies and organizations active in the broad rail sector. Central to this organization is the exchange of knowledge and experiences, in order to increase the social and economic efficiency of rail transport and to ensure coordination with other sectors, politics and science. Railforum brings together shippers, carriers, builders, consultancies and governments to exchange knowledge and experiences. In this way Railforum stimulates cooperation in the rail sector and creates room for improvement.
Founded almost half a century ago, the IRO association is an independent non-profit organization that supports and represents the interests of 400 affiliated companies in the Offshore Energy supply industry. The IRO mission, which is the gateway to Dutch suppliers in the energy sector, is ultimately aimed at maintaining and strengthening the position of the Dutch offshore energy sector.
The IRO members consist of a wide variety of both multinationals and SMEs. They represent the entire supply chain within the oil, gas, offshore renewable and marine energy industry. With activities covering: engineering and consultancy, construction and manufacturing, supply of installations and equipment, contracting and installation, exploration and production and personnel and HSE, both for offshore upstream oil & gas and offshore renewable energy sources (wind, sea and floating solar energy).
The range of services offered by IRO to its members ranges from maintaining relationships with government and NGOs and facilitating networking opportunities within the IRO community to participate in international trade missions and exhibitions, as well as providing Business Intelligence and training.
The PAVO Foundation aims to promote the exchange of practical applicable knowledge and information in the food industry (food and feed). This is done by organizing meetings in which people explain how they have tackled a particular problem or topic. And in which they share their positive and negative experiences. These meetings mostly take place in a company followed by a tour after the presentations.
The PAVO focuses on managers and employees in the food industry who work in production, process technology and automation, product and process development, R&D, quality and continuous improvement.

We are a member of the European Lubricating Grease Institute (ELGI) and active in an administrative role in the Dutch Society of Lubricant companies (VSN). This association identifies developments in the lubrication market.

Van Meeuwen is active in the Lubricants sub-group of the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG). This allows us to contribute to and to keep aware of the latest developments in the hygienic production of foodstuffs.

We are also an active member within FEDA, the industry association for Drive- and Automation technology in the Netherlands.

Van Meeuwen is a member of The Netherlands Packaging Centre (NVC). The association of companies that recognise the importance of packaging as an activity within the entire supply chain of packaged products. The association stimulates the continuous improvement of packaging.

Van Meeuwen is affiliated with the Family businesses in the Netherlands (FBNed), an inspiring network for family businesses and enterprising families. FBNed offers the opportunity to exchange experiences, insights and ideas on key challenges such as succession, governance, leadership, ownership strategy and the sensitivities that can exist between family and business.